Raising a generation of empowered youths


Recently, the PFI team identified two groups of young people in Sikalongo village of Choma district involved in domestic farming. The groups were identified by PFI team member; Janet Kabimba Musokotwane who described them as young people with passion for farming but simply needed a strengthening of skill and support to be able to pick it up. From time to time, they’ve had challenges buying seeds and chemicals to advance their works. During an interaction with them, our representative distributed a few items (seeds, fertilizer and chemicals) to help them grow their business.

Janet handing over the chemicals and seeds to Sam Nachinga

As a group of young people, it is our desire to see to it that every young person is constantly working towards self help through various economic activities. Every individual possesses a skill; be it in paper work, designing, baking, singing, farming, marketing, motivational speaking etc which can be used to one’s own advantage especially during this global economic downturn. This reduces the risk of depression among young people who have been unemployed for long periods of time, transactional sex for young ladies, robbery and other risky behaviors

On the far right is Wisely followed by Jackson in the middle, residents of sikalongo village

Once in a while, the individuals will be mentored and monitored to see how well they’ve been able to support themselves through small scale farming.

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Mutale Kafula is a young entrepreneur and co-founder of NAFEK Group of Companies which is a fast-growing company established by two enthusiastic university students ‘then’ in 2014. As a student, Mutale always thought of how he could generate income for himself whilst pursuing his BSc in Public Health at the University of Lusaka.  He and his friend Alinafe jointly started the printing services at school whose market was mainly students from Unilus and cavendish. Additionally, they began providing take-away foods, selling popcorns, writing proposals and lecturing other students during their free time which brought some extra income to the table.

Through the determination of these two young men, they formed the NAFEK group of companies which is an umbrella name for various products and services provided under the company’s name. They’ve expanded from printing services to being a consultancy company and have spread their nests into the food industry (bakery). When they started their bakery business, goods were being transported from one place to another using a bicycle. Later on, they acquired a bus which has made things much easier. As time goes by, their company continues to push through despite recent economic downturns.

According to Mutale Kafula, being a young entrepreneur requires patience especially when you’re a beginner. He has likened his experience to that of a child who has to go through different stages till S/he gets to adulthood. In his words he said, “sometimes you fall, get up and keep on moving. Business is like a graph which goes up and down but eventually, success is attained. Every business has its own challenges and achievements. As an entrepreneur, you have to persevere because nothing is impossible”.

The company hopes to further diversify its products into relatable businesses in other parts of the country

He received an award under the category, ‘young entrepreneur of the year’ in Chililabombwe.
His company has employed about 13 young people as a way of building the youth
community in Zambia. His story does not just end in making money, but goes
further to impact the lives of others.